Thursday, July 17, 2014

4x04 The Benefactor

A helicopter flies over the hospital the same night Sean was killed and Scott bit Liam. The Sheriff and his deputies photograph the crime scene. Sheriff Stilinski asks Parrish to get everyone off the roof and stall the ME for five minutes because he has an expert he wants to bring in. "You have an expert on teenage cannibals?" Parrish asks. The Sheriff doesn't really answer and just asks for five minutes. Parrish isn't happy about it, but he rounds everyone up.
As soon as everyone is off the roof, Derek appears behind the Sheriff looking at Sean's body. He's wearing a dad track jacket sort of thing instead of his usual leather. The Sheriff reels from his sudden appearance and tells Derek to be quick. He tells Derek that Scott said Sean was a wendigo. "Cannibalistic shape-shifters," Derek confirms. But he hasn't heard of any in Beacon Hills for a long time.
Derek picks up a scent on the air and turns around to investigate. He asks how many people Scott said were up there. "Just Sean and the axe-murderer, who apparently had no mouth." Derek steps up to the ledge and spots blood. "There was someone else. Someone young. Male." The Sheriff asks if Derek can smell his fear, and Derek says that and his blood.
Scott and Stiles rush into Scott's house heading toward the bathroom. Stiles apparently talked to his father in Scott's place and didn't tell him about Liam. Stiles asks Scott what he did with him. "He's upstairs." They head up, and Scott reveals that he's duct-taped Liam and put him in the bath tub. Stiles is appalled and pulls the shower curtain back closed while Liam whimpers. He and Scott sit down on Scott's bed. "So you bit him." "Yeah." "And you kidnapped him." "Yeah." "And then you brought him here." Scott admits that he panicked, and Stiles asks if they're going to end up burying pieces of his body out in the desert.
Liam hears this and whimpers more loudly. Stiles takes the opportunity to remind Scott that this is why he comes up with the plans, because Scott's plans suck. Scott admits that he's right and asks Stiles what they should do. They take Liam out of the bath tub and set him up on a chair, still bound with duct tape. Stiles tells him that if he screams when he takes the tapes off it's going right back on. Stiles prompts Scott to take the tape off Liam's mouth, but Scott doesn't move, so Stiles does it.
Stiles starts to explain that Liam's seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things he's seen. Liam doesn't understand, so Stiles prompts Scott to tell him. "Liam, what happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's gonna change you." Stiles adds, "Unless it kills you," and then immediately regrets it. Liam starts to cry, and they both crouch down and try to make him stop. Scott tells him he's not going to die. Stiles is less firm on that point.
Scott decides to untie him. Liam gets up and shuffles around while they apologize long enough to grab hold of the chair he was sitting on. He hits Scott with it, breaking it, and when Stiles starts to ask him what the hell his problem is, he punches Stiles in the face and runs. As he's running, he realizes that his ankle is healed. Scott and Stiles fly out into the hallway and barrel after him. There's a lot of screaming, and they tackle him down the stairs. Scott and Stiles wrestle trying to grab him, but Stiles only ends up grabbing Scott's leg while Liam escapes out the front door. "Your plan sucked, too," Scott says.  
In the loft, Peter turns off Derek's alarm system and calls out asking if he's there. He looks through some papers, and a tomahawk suddenly flies through the air and embeds into his chest, through the page he was reading. Peter drops to the floor, and the Mute steps out of the shadows. As he's gasping for breath, Peter again calls Derek's name. The Mute responds, "Don't worry, Peter. Derek is next."
The next morning, Stiles drops a bag of restraints on his bed and holds them up for Malia to inspect. She declares that she hates full moons, and Stiles promises that they will get easier. Malia takes one of the damaged retraints and points out that it isn't going to last much longer. Stiles suggests they make tonight the last night she needs them. He fits it over her wrist like he needs to size it and says they might need them for Liam next. Malia asks if they're sure Liam is going to turn. "We're not even sure he's going to live," Stiles replies. 
The Sheriff walks in and sees them adjusting the restraints. Stiles takes one look at him and declares that it isn't what he thinks at all. His dad just says he doesn't want to know and walks away. Malia claims to not get the joke. 
In Biology class, Kira asks Lydia if she's looking at her math notes on her laptop. "No wonder Malia's failing," she says, as the code streams across the screen. Lydia says that some of it is her notes but the rest might be a code. She, of course, doesn't remember writing it. She thinks she should try to figure out what it means before it tries to kill them. Kira suggests that it could be Enigma Code. Lydia thinks is a variation of the Vigenère Cipher. "Do you know how to crack it?" "With a key."
Just then Lydia's mom dangles a set of keys in front of her face. "Remember the rules. No more than six people allowed in the lake house. Stay out of the wine. And if anything gets broken it's getting added to your credit card debt." She also tells her to lock up the basement because there were a lot of scratches on the walls like a pack of wild animals got down there. 
New kids Garrett, Violet, and Mason get off the school bus. Garrett complains about how he's not watching another movie on a Friday night. Mason points out that they're freshmen. They're not going to be hitting clubs until 4am. Violet settles on a movie at Mason's at 9. Liam comes running up as Garrett and Violet leave. Mason asks him why he wasn't on the bus, and he says he ran to school from home, all 3 miles. Mason points out that this must mean his leg is okay, but then he asks about the wound on Liam's arm, where Scott bit him. 
Liam starts breathing heavily and looking ill. When he glances up, he sees Scott watching him with Derek-level creeper skills. Liam tells Mason that he has to get to class and hurries away from Scott. In the hallway, Stiles and Scott corner him, and Scott asks him to listen. Liam waits, and Scott says, "Liam . . . we're brothers now." Only unlike when Derek said it, Scott doesn't sound like he believes it. Liam gives him a, "What?" And Stiles rolls his eyes. "What are you talking about. We just met and you bit me," Liam says. Scott then tries, "The bite is a gift." And Stiles nearly rolls his eyes out of his head at his disingenuous he sounds. "Scott, stop. Please stop." 
Stiles tells Liam that they're trying to help him. "By kidnapping me?" "Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you," Stiles says. "I aided and abetted." Scott tells Liam that something happening to him, something big, but he doesn't say what it is. Liam insists that nothing is happening to him and rips the bandage off his arm. The wound is healed.
During a break at school, the pack meets out by the buses. Malia says that she's not sharing her basement with Liam. Lydia clarifies that it's her basement and her mom noticed how she tore it up last time. Their plan is to use the boathouse for Liam because they can chain him to a support beam. Kira asks how they plan to get Liam to the boathouse if he doesn't trust them. Stiles suggests chloroforming Liam and throwing him in the lake if it keeps him from murdering anyone. Malia, of course, supports this plan. Scott says they're not killing or kidnapping him, so Lydia suggests they lie to him and tell him there's a party and invite him up.
They get Kira to agree to be a vixen and be the one to invite Liam. Kira agrees and arranges to be walking down the steps as Liam and Mason leave class. Her hair flutters in nonexistent wind. Halfway down the steps, she falters and falls on her face. Liam rushes over to see if she's okay, and she smiles and asks him to a party. 
Back at the loft, Derek has extracted the tomahawk from Peter's chest. He says it was laced with wolfsbane and since he doesn't know the species they're going to have to burn it out. Derek flicks open a lighter in front of Peter. "I think I can handle a little fire," Peter tells him. Derek makes a pleased face and then uses the lighter to light a blowtorch. Peter's face drops. "Oh, hell."
Derek applies the blowtorch, and Peter screams. After it's done, he falls to the floor in agony, but Derek offers him a hand and pulls him up. Peter tells him that the Mute was after him. "How does a guy with no mouth say anything?" Derek asks. Peter shows him the glove with the keyboard that he somehow has.
That night, Kira drives Liam up to Lydia's lake house. It belonged to her grandmother. Liam is having difficulty with the loud music. He asks her to turn it down, but it was already down, so Kira turns it up a little. Liam gets a text from Mason asking where he is and Liam tells him about the party. 
Scott pulls up to the lake house to find Lydia, Malia, and Stiles waiting. Stiles looks concerned, so Scott immediately says that Kira reported the plan was going fine. That isn't what Stiles wants to talk about. He asked around and found out why Liam was kicked out of his last school. He had a problem with one of his teachers and destroyed the guy's car with a crowbar and carved This Is Your Fault into the side. He has anger issues. 
In Kira's car, Liam glares at his reflection as the full moon starts to affect him. They get to the lake house and Liam immediately notices that no one is there. Kira tells him that everyone is there but it's a small party. That wasn't Liam's understanding of everyone. Kira lies again claiming that everyone else is late and they're early. She takes Liam's arm and brings him inside. As soon as he walks in the door and sees Stiles and Scott he knows he's been tricked. Kira closes the door and won't let him out.
Stiles tells him to think of it like an intervention because he has a problem. "And we're the only ones that can help," Scott adds. 
Derek brought the glove to the sheriff station to show Stilinski. The Sheriff says he doesn't understand how this guy can have no mouth. "I mean, how can he eat?" Derek takes a beat."Peter didn't get a chance to ask, He was fighting him off with a tomahawk buried in his chest," Derek sasses. The Sheriff asks who runs around with a tomahawk anyway. Parrish overhears this and says that he carried one for IED removal in Afghanistan. "It's military. And so is that," Parrish adds, pointing to the glove. Derek asks Parrish what the glove is used for, and Parrish says that it's been modified. Derek and the Sheriff exchange a look, and the Sheriff closes his door. 
The gang has given Liam the rundown of what they are. Werewolf. Werecoyote. Banshee. Fox? "Kitsune," Kira says. Liam then asks Stiles what he is. "For a little while I was possessed by an evil spirit." "What are you now?" "Better?" Stiles says. Liam sees the restraints and asks if those are for him. Malia admits that they're for her. She flashes her eyes, and Liam asks how she did that. Scott assures him that he'll learn but he needs to get through the full moon first. Liam points out that the moon is already out. Scott asks if he's starting to feel something. "I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs." Liam starts shouting and getting angrier and collapses from a loud sound.
Outside, cars pull up to the house. Lydia asks who they told. Liam admits that he told Mason because Kira said there was a party. Mason invited everyone. Liam starts to shift, and his nails scratch the hardwood floors. Lydia orders them to get Liam off the floors before he ruins them. Scott and Kira hurry Liam to the boathouse. Malia starts to shift, and Stiles hurries her into the basement. Lydia asks Stiles what she's supposed to do with the horde gathering outside. "Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?" Stiles asks. "What? Me, obviously," she replies, incensed. "Okay. Then throw a party!" Lydia is not amused but opens the doors anyway.
In the Sheriff's office, the Sheriff and Derek watch while Parrish gets an IP address from the glove. While he's typing, the glove moves on its own. Parrish says the glove got a message and asks if anyone recognizes the name Benefactor. The message says: Money Transferred. Derek asks what that means. "That means this guy's not just a killer. He's an assassin," the Sheriff says.
Scott and Kira struggle to chain Liam down. Scott doesn't shift or seem to use an extra strength. Before Kira can chain Liam's hands, Liam breaks free and knocks Scott back. Liam is about to claw Scott when Kira hits him with a paddle and knocks him out. 
Meanwhile in the basement, Stiles puts the restraints on Malia. He asks her if it's too tight, but she tells him to tighten it. Malia tells him that he can leave, but Stiles says he isn't going anywhere. "To be honest, I'm probably safer down here than at a party with 50 freshman and a very pissed off Lydia." 
Upstairs, Demarco rolls a keg of beer into the kitchen. Lydia claims she didn't order a keg, especially not domestic. "Trying to tell me no one here wants to drink?" the guy asks. Lydia looks around and picks up a wine glass off her laptop. The laptop is worth $2k and the bottle of wine Garrett was drinking was $400. Lydia asks Demarco for the bill and wonder what the extra hundred dollars is for. He calls it the "yes, you do look 21 to me" fee. Lydia glances around and sees Mason heading upstairs. She tells the guy she'll get him some cash and hurries to catch up to Mason. While she's gone, Garrett pays for the keg. 
Scott and Kira watch Liam now that they've got him chained to a beam. Kira comments on how young he looks. Scott says he's only 15. She asks what they're going to do with him, and Scott says they'll help him. "What if he doesn't want our help?" "He will."
Back in the basement, Malia begs Stiles to leave. He insists that he's not going to leave her. "What if I hurt you?" "You're not going to." She says that she wants to. "I look at your face and I want to slash it. I want to tear at it. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands." Stiles isn't particularly shaken by this and says she's not the first person to tell him something like that. He tells her that he's not leaving her and isn't going to let her hurt anyone. She starts to break through the restraints and says that he's not going to have a choice. 
Demarco heads out to his car only to find that his tire is flat. He starts getting angry and holds his head like he's getting a headache. Then we see his hands turn into claws and learn that he's a beta/omega werewolf. To control himself he repeats a buddhist mantra, "Three things cannot be long hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth." He controls his shift and drops to his knees. Violet then appears behind him and strangles him with a garrott. She his a button on the garrott which makes it turn hot, and the cord severs Demarco's head bloodlessly. She takes a picture on her phone as proof and then heads back to the party. She finds Garrett, who says their friend just sent him a text. The Benefactor deposited money in their account. 
Mason looks for Liam upstairs. Lydia follows him into a very white room and asks what he's doing up there. He says he's looking for Liam, and Lydia claims that missing freshman are low on her priority list. Mason points out that he can't be so low if she knows he's a freshman. Lydia grabs two wine glasses and tries to hurry Mason out, but she drops the glasses with red wine. Lydia drops to her knees and starts trying to clean the carpet with her shirt. Mason assures her that the wine will come out. He asks her if the carpet's valuable. "No. That's the problem. Nothing in here is valuable." She starts to cry and explains to him that they put the house on the market and everything has to be in perfect condition to sell for enough. Mason offers to get some club soda and salt and assures her that it will come out.
Mason gets up to leave, and when the door closes behind him, all the sounds from downstairs stops. Lydia opens and closes the door to test it and realizes the room is soundproof. There's a lot of empty space and only a few pieces of furniture. She's drawn to the turntable and turns it on. What comes out isn't music, just noise and cut off voices. When she looks up at the blank wall in front of her, faces start to press through the surface. 
Meanwhile, Scott and Kira sit out at the boathouse. Scott turns and says he can hear the music from the house. They're playing electronic. Kira says that she wishes they played slow songs at parties because she's better at slow dancing. Scott smiles and asks her to dance. Kira looks at Liam, still chained. "What about him?" "He can dance with me next time," Scott replies. As they dance Kira asks Scott how he's so good at staying in control on a full moon. He explains that he has to make sure his pulse doesn't get too fast. He claims to be indistractable. Kira plays with fire and kisses him to see if she can make him lose control. She manages to make his eyes glow. She also says she heard him growl, but Scott looks over at Liam. "That wasn't me."
Liam is awake and shifted. Kira asks if the chains will hold him. Scott says they will, but Liam breaks out easily. He runs at them, then leaps through the window and heads out into the woods. 
Malia breaks one of her restraints, and Stiles jumps back out of her reach. He tells her to listen to his voice. "Listen to mine. Run!" 
Derek and the Sheriff head into the school. The Sheriff has his gun out, which makes Derek smirk. "You know just because this guy connected to the school's wi-fi doesn't mean he's still here." "True. But I've seen enough in this school to keep a gun in my hand when walking in after dark." The Sheriff shines his flashlight around and spots a pool of blood. Derek claims that doesn't make sense. "I should've caught the scent before we walked in." The Sheriff looks even more worried than before. Derek goes to open the door to the classroom, but the Sheriff stops him. "You nervous makes me nervous." He checks through the small window and then ushers Derek back out of the way.
The Sheriff opens the door very slowly, only just pulling a trigger wire tight. Derek crouches down to get a look. It's a claymore mine. Then Derek hears the sound of a tomahawk flying through the air and pulls the Sheriff out of the way. 
Stiles tells Malia that he's not going to run because he doesn't think she's going to hurt him. "And I think that maybe you're so afraid of hurting me because of what you did to your family." He tells her that he knows what it's like. He remembers being the nogitsune. "And the worst part is I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful. I felt fearless. And most of all, in control. But when I came through it, I learned something else . . . Control is overrated." 
Stiles unlocks the remaining restraint on her wrist. She lunges at him but quickly backs down. She's shifted back into a human. Stiles brushes the hair from her face. "You did it." They hug in relief.
Liam runs through the woods with Scott on his trail. Liam tackles him and shoves Scott up against a tree. He demands to know what Scott did to him. "This is your fault! This is all your fault! This is your fault!" Liam is about to slash Scott when Chris Argent shoots a flash bomb arrow into the tree above them. Liam runs, and Scott spots Chris. "How did you know?" Scott asks as Chris comes to him. "I got your text," Chris replies. 
Derek fights the Mute and disarms him. He manages to get the Mute's arms behind his back, and Sheriff Stilinski comes up and points a gun into his face. "You have the right to remain silent," the Sheriff says. Derek rolls his eyes. As he's reading off his Miranda rights, Peter comes into the hallway. He starts running at them. Derek shoves himself and the Sheriff out of the way as Peter attacks.  Peter slashes the Mute dead and tears off a piece of flesh, possibly the piece where his mouth should have been. The Sheriff holds his gun on Peter as he gets up and Peter wipes off his hands. 
As Peter walks away, Derek says, "We've learned a better way." Peter replies, "I'm a creature of habit."
Chris explains to Scott that he's arranged a clearing to the north that will contain Liam. All Scott has to do corral him there. "What are you going to do?" Scott asks. "He's your beta, Scott. The better question is, 'What are you gonna do?'" Scott complains that Liam isn't listening to him, so Chris suggests that Scott start using his own words rather than Derek's. Scott takes off after Liam. 
He finds him trapped between four sonic emitters. Scott turns them off as he approaches. Liam looks up at him. "What's happening to me?" "The same thing that happened to me," Scott replies.
At the party, Kira looks for Lydia. She finds her staring at the wall in the white room, the record almost completely played through. "What do you hear?" "The key. The key to break the code." 
Liam cries that his mom and step-dad can't know what's going on with him. He can't do it to them again. "What do you mean again?" "I got kicked out of school and I deserved it." He's embarrassed by the way they looked at him when they saw what he did to the car. He doesn't want them to see him like this. "Like a monster," Scott finishes for him. 
Scott stands to the crescendo of heroic music and proclaims that Liam is not a monster, he's a werewolf. "Like me."
In the white room, Lydia brings up her notes on her computer. The keyword to decrypt them is: Allison. The text decrtpts into a dead pool or death pool.
The List
Sean Walcott - 250
David Walcott - 250
Michael Walcott - 250
Christina Walcott - 250
Lydia Martin - 20
Scott McCall - 25
Demarco Montana - 250
Derek Hale - 15
Carrie Hudson - 500
Kayleen Bettcher - 250
Kira Yukimura - 6
Elias Town - 250

4x03 Muted

Sean hugs himself against the chill of the outdoors as he comes outside and calls for Willow, his cat. She doesn't come, so he heads back inside. He calls upstairs to his mother that he can't find the cat and goes about turning off all the lights. He looks around as though he feels like something is off, mostly because his mother hasn't answered his calls. He announces that he's going to bed and heads upstairs.

The house creaks, but Sean doesn't see anything amiss. When he gets into bed, he looks down and sees bloody pawprints on the carpet. He leans over the side of the bed and spots Willow hiding. After grabbing his desk lamp to shine some light, he hops onto the floor and sees that Willow is soaked in blood. Startled, he jumps up and hears the screams of his family being massacred.

Eventually, he builds up the nerve to open his door and looks into the dark house. A figure walks into the moonlight carrying a tomahawk that drips blood. Sean slams his door shut and hides in his bathroom. The Mute breaks through his bedroom door easily and stands outside the bathroom door to taunt him. "Hello, Sean. I just killed your family. Do you want to die like them? Begging for your life or do you want to fight?" The Mute speaks by typing into a keyboard on his arm, generating a mechanical voice. He advises Sean to wrap his hand in a towel and break a mirror, so he has a piece of glass to fight with.

Sean grabs a towel and wraps his hand, but he breaks open window instead. The Mute rushes into the room to see Sean running down the street.

In Derek's loft, Braeden puts her feet up on the coffee table, much to Peter's annoyance. "The table's Italian," he says. "So are these boots," she replies, making Derek smile a little. She asks if they're going to talk interior design and fashion or numbers. She watches as Derek looks at his own reflection in his sunglasses, clearly thinking about the new color of his eyes.

Peter writes a number on a slip of paper and slides it over to her. She crosses it out, writes a new offer, and slides it back. Peter takes one glance at it. "We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president." She replies that the Calaveras already hired her to find Kate. Going against them is what's going to cost them.  Peter tries to make another offer, but she pushes it right back at him, and he gets up in disgust.

Derek picks up the slip of paper and tears it up. "We'll pay. Just find Kate. That's all we want."

Braeden must agree, because next we see Peter is throwing the loft door closed in disgust. "Are you insane?"

Derek replies that they didn't have a choice. They've been looking for her for a week and have nothing. Peter replies, "If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back. What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job?" Peter points out that his resume is slightly out of date. "We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!"

Peter grabs Derek to spin him around, and Derek grabs his wrist and roars in his face, showing his yellow eyes. Peter has clearly not seen them in this last week. "Oh, that's a new look for you. What happened to your eyes?" Still angry, Derek says, "I don't know. But I'm willing to pay to find out."

Meanwhile at the school, Scott and Stiles head out to the lacrosse field. Stiles assures Scott that he's still the team captain because he got his grades up like Coach wanted. Scott agrees, but Coach didn't tell him he was back on the team, just that he had to show up at tryouts. Stiles says they have bigger things to worry about. "Did you tell Argent yet?" "I texted him, but he didn't get back to me." "You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?" Stiles is slightly appalled. Scott claims he didn't have the money to call France.

Stiles commiserates, because they are trying to pay for the MRI and the visit to Eichen House. Apparently the Sheriff doesn't have insurance for medical bills. "What the hell are we even doing here, anyway. We've got like 117 million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them," Stiles says, more concerned about the Hales' robbery than anything else.

Scott looks at the boys practicing and tells Stiles, "It is now." There's a new kid playing goalie, and he's good. Garrett tells Liam that he might be their first ever freshman captain. Stiles is as upset as Scott that they are outclassed and suggests they practice a little.

At Beacon Hills Hospital, a new doctor talks to Melissa about where they can make cuts. She says that the nursing staff is already too thin. The doctor points out that the hospital has seen a bizarre amount of damage, so they need to get money from somewhere. Melissa offers to pull some money from pediatrics. The doctor tells her to go home because her shift is over. It's 7am.

Sean stumbles into the ER with blood on his hands, having run all night, and collapses.

Melissa and Sheriff Stilinski take a look at the bodies of Sean's family in the morgue. The mother has multiple axe marks in her chest. Melissa says she understands now why Sean won't talk to the psychologist. The mother, father, and older brother are dead. The Sheriff wonders what Sean got away from, but Melissa corrects him. "From who. These wounds weren't caused by claws and fangs. These are deep cuts, a combination of sharp and blunt force trauma." The Sheriff admits that that's what the ME said but he wanted to be sure they didn't have to involve the boys. If it's a regular homicide, then maybe Scott and Stiles can have the day off from murder and massacres.

Melissa asks, "When do we get a day off?" and smiles a little.

In Kira's house, Noshiko is unpacking something. She tells Kira that her father is waiting for her outside, and Kira goes out to find a For Sale sign on their home. No one told Kira that they were moving. Or apparently they told her the move was temporary after they told her she was a kitsune and was going to have to stab one of her only friends. Noshiko says that since she didn't have to stab her friend, that's a win! (This conversation doesn't really make sense.)

Kira doesn't want to go back to New York. Noshiko asks why they'd stay. Kira says her dad is a very important teacher at the high school, but he was a professor at Columbia before. Kira doesn't want new friends, and she can be pretty sure that new people won't be as supernatural. She doesn't mention Scott, but Noshiko does. "He wasn't your first boyfriend, and he won't be your last." Kira sighs that Scott isn't her boyfriend at all.

Scott and Stiles corner Liam in the locker room and ask him to explain his incredible skill. "That little display, your little circus act." Liam doesn't know what they're talking about. Stiles adds that he caught every shot. Liam points out that he was playing goalie. It's his job as goalie to catch every shot.

They switch tactics and ask him about moving to the area. He says he transferred from Devonfort Prep. Scott listens to his heartbeat and hears a lie. He guesses that Liam didn't so much transfer as was kicked out.  Liam gets defensive and says that he just came to play lacrosse. "Team could use a few good players, right?" "No. No, we don't need any more good players," Stiles says. But Scott counters that actually they do.

Stiles then starts asking Liam whether he's always been this good or whether it just happened all at once overnight. He starts to ask about being in the woods on the night of a full moon, but Scott stops him. Liam explains that he learned lacrosse from his stepfather, who made team captain when he was a sophomore. Liam gets in Stiles's face and tells him that yes, he's just that good. Scott smiles. "He wasn't lying that time."

Malia heads into class and stops dead when she realizes that it's math. She tries to walk out, but Stiles stops her and ushers her in. She complains that math is pointless. Stiles tells her that school is important and math is essential. "To what?" "Knowing how much to tip at restaurants," Stiles tells her with a wink. Lydia is sitting right next to them and gives Stiles a look. "And less important things like medicine, economics, engineering..." Stiles still thinks tipping is the most important.

Ms. Fleming, the math teacher, asks for volunteers and then calls Malia up to the board. Stiles gives her two thumbs up in encouragement, but Malia growls at him. Stiles hunches down in response and looks cowed.

Up at the board, Malia freezes and doesn't know what to do. Lydia asks her if she went over the notes she gave her, and Malia admits to not understanding them. Lydia glances around to see Ms. Fleming occupied an then tells Malia that the answer is 25. (The real answer is apparently 15.) "And sweetheart, put away the claws," Lydia adds. Malia glances at her hand in shock.

Stiles gets a text message about the axe murderer in town, though it's unclear from whom since his father was going to keep him out of the case. After class, Stiles tells Scott and Kira, but Scott admits that he already knew about it. "My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news." "Perfect, let's go," Stiles says and turns to leave. Only Scott doesn't want to leave school to look into it. They have Econ next. "Are you guys kidding me? There's a family-murdering axe murderer, we're not going to do anything about it?" Kira thinks they should let the adults handle it. "So the two of you just wanna stay here, school, go to class. Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life," Stiles says, and walks away. It's unclear where he's going, but Scott reminds him to come to tryouts.

Scott asks Kira if they can talk about the thing she wanted to talk about later. She agrees, and Scott gives her a quick kiss. Kira is stunned, but Scott doesn't realize what he did until he gets to Econ, and then he panics.

The Mute is at his computer. He opens up a plug in his neck, and air starts hissing out. He then inserts a tube into the hole and turns on a machine. The machine pumps red liquid into him, and he swallows it down. As he does so, a code appears on his laptop screen.

At the sheriff station, Sheriff Stilinski tells Parrish that he doesn't want anyone else at the site of the murders. If he wants he can review the crime scene photos and give himself nightmares. Parrish insists that they're missing something. "Yeah, and that's why Agent McCall is bringing in an expert from Quantico who deals with exactly this kind of thing." "You mean the US Marshal?" The Sheriff doesn't know about any US Marshal. It turns out to be Braeden. She gets the police to give her the case file on the murders.

Before tryouts, Scott explains to Stiles that when he kissed Kira in the hall, it was their first kiss since their real first kiss. Stiles thinks this is good. But Scott is upset because it wasn't a real kiss, it was the way you'd kiss your grandma. "It was a chaste kiss," Stiles clarifies. Scott is freaking out and doesn't know what to do. "Maybe I should text her." "No. Just no with the texts," Stiles says.

Coach reminds everyone that it's an open tryout and all positions are open. Scott was under the impression that he was still captain, but that position is up for grabs, too. Jackson's gone and Isaac's gone, so the team needs to rebuild. "Greenberg, the one guy I actually wanted gone, was held back. Again."

Liam overhears Scott asking if he's still captain and finding out the answer is no. Stiles sees him smile at the news.

Kira and Malia go to watch tryouts. Malia has her pre-calc book with her.

Coach blows a whistle as the team finishes their run. "Terrible. Horrifying. Pathetic. Unbelievably pathetic." Stiles comes in last, barely able to breathe. He falls down, and Scott picks him up. Stiles asks who came in first, and of course it's Liam, who is now doing push-ups. "What is he? Like a were-cheetah? Does that even exist? Is that a thing?" Scott thinks Liam is just that good. Stiles announces that he's going to puke and Scott takes him somewhere.

Malia sniffs the air, presumably scenting out Kira's emotions, and asks her what's wrong with her. Kira claims it's nothing, but Malia tells her she reeks of anxiety. It's distracting her, so she asks Kira to talk about it. Kira admits that she and Scott sort of had a thing happening, even though it wasn't much of a thing, and now she thinks maybe it was nothing. "What do you want it to be?" Malia asks. "More," Kira replies. Kira has a lacrosse stick in her hand for some reason and leans on it.

Stiles has difficulty even picking up a lacrosse ball with his stick (he's gotten worse from last season) and throws the ball right into the goalie's net, much to the amusement of his team. Liam is next. Stiles tries to comfort Scott by suggesting that maybe Liam is only good at being a goalie, but Liam quickly proves him wrong. Stiles claims to hate Liam for being perfect. Scott says he doesn't have to hate him since they need new players. "What about a new team captain?" Stiles asks, which makes Scott concerned. Scott then tries to score, but he hits the edge of the goal with the ball instead.

Scott and Stiles continue to throw and miss the net completely while Liam rocks tryouts. Kira asks Malia if the captain is supposed to be one of the best players on the team.

Scott takes off his gloves and goes to talk to Stiles, who can't believe how badly he's doing. "I feel actual physical pain watching you." Scott is trying to not use any of his werewolf powers because it's cheating. Stiles acknowledges that but doesn't really have a problem with it. He doesn't want Liam stealing all of Scott's glory. Scott tries to say that he won't, but everyone the celebrates Liam scoring another point, so it's sort of hard to deny it. Scott lets a little power loose, and his eyes glow red.

Coach has Scott and Stiles cover the goal for two-on-ones. Stiles suggests to Scott that maybe Liam is werewolf and therefore a cheater, so they'd just be cheating a cheater, but Scott thinks he'd be able to smell it if Liam were. Scott and Stiles manage to do well at the two-on-ones. Kira gets excited to see them do well, and Malia smiles when Kira gets happy, even though she doesn't know what's going on.

Finally, they're up against Liam. He manages to get past both of them and score. Malia stands up and calls out for a do-over, much to Stiles's chagrin. She bets Coach $10 that Liam won't score again. Scott rushes and tosses Liam into the air. Liam lands hard and breaks or sprains his ankle. Scott and Stiles take him to the nurse. Coach yells at everyone to start running around the field. He's so angry he picks up a lacrosse ball and throws it. It goes straight for Malia, but Kira catches it with her kitsune reflexes. Coach tells her to throw the ball back and she nails him in the chest, knocking him down. "Some ask her if she's ever played lacrosse!" Coach yells.

Parrish is sitting outside the Walcotts' home looking through the crime scene photos. He sees someone move inside the house and goes to investigate. He finds Lydia wandering around.

At the loft, Derek reads through the report Braeden got. Behind him, Braeden changes clothes for no reason, but Derek doesn't turn to look. "There's nothing in here about Kate. This killer used an axe." "Actually, he used a military tomahawk." Derek vaguely glances over his shoulder and notes that that isn't in the report. He asks if she's going to tell him what else she knows. She isn't because she doesn't know much. "But you know something." She says that the problem is that the people she needs to talk to don't talk to people like Derek.

"You want me to wait for you?" "I want you to trust me." "Why would I trust you? I don't know anything about you?" "Yeah, well I  know you. And I know what you really want. You want what Kate stole from you. Briseann an dúchas trí shúile an chait." It's an Irish phrase that literally means "Heredity breaks out in the eyes of a cat" but is, as Braeden explains, used to mean that the true nature of someone is revealed in their eyes. "In your case, the color of your eyes."

Derek thinks about what she says and then picks up her shotgun and tosses it to her. "You get a week."

Scott runs up to Kira, who has been waiting for him in the hallway. She has a lacrosse helmet in her hands and is smiling at it. Scott apologizes because they have to take Liam to the hospital. She's okay with them talking later. Scott apologizes for kissing her earlier, and it's awkward. Kira was clearly hoping for something else. Scott leaves, but after a minute, he comes back. "You know what? I'm not sorry."

They kiss for real, and Kira asks Scott to text her later.

Lydia leads Parrish through the house. She says she'd try to explain it but she's never gotten a good explanation herself. "Just an unusual habit of showing up at places where people have been brutally murdered?" he asks. He suggests that maybe she's psychic. She asks him if he really believes that. "I keep an open mind. But if you're looking for dead bodies, I think you're a little late."

Lydia focuses on a wood panel and sees screaming faces in the wood grain. She presses on the panel, and it opens with a gust of cloudy air. They open the door the rest of the way, and Parrish goes in first. They end up in a meat locker. Parrish thinks it's for game, like venison. He goes up to one of the covered bodies and opens the zipper. There are people inside, not venison.

Sean is in the hospital. Melissa asks if he's sure he doesn't want to eat something, and he manages to say yes.

Melissa leaves only to find Scott and Stiles in the hallway with Liam. She puts him in a wheelchair and takes him away. Stiles tells Scott he's got to leave to help Malia study. Before he goes, though, Stiles tells Scott that Liam getting hurt isn't his fault. "Scott, if you had used any wolf power, that kid wouldn't be limping, he'd be crawling. back to the other half of his body." Scott admits that if he hadn't been so worried about being captain then Liam wouldn't be hurt at all. "It's okay to want something for yourself every once in awhile," Stiles says.

Noshiko asks her husband, Ken, to find out from the realtor why no one has come to their open house. They're pricing the place at $659,000. He walks in and shows her the For Sale sign cut into pieces. Kira is in her room practicing with the lacrosse stick and smiles when her mother yells her name.

Stiles and Malia are in his room studying. She slams her book closed and crawls on top of him to kiss him. He stops her and says that he promised he'd help her study. They can go back to the kissing afterward. She opens her book again, and he asks her what she's doing with all the highlighters. "Green is for the things I understand. Yellow is for 'I'm working on it.' And red means I have no clue. I'm mostly using red." Stiles thinks about this a second and then looks over at his case board, which he's started again since the heist. She's using the same system he does to organize information.

Stiles smiles, moved that she's learned from him, and kisses her. She pulls back. "Study first, remember?" Malia asks why math is impossible for her and easy for the rest of them. Stiles tells her that they usually use notes. "Then somebody needs to give me notes on Lydia's notes because I don't understand any of this." She shows him Lydia's notebook. Stiles looks through the pages and realizes that whatever Lydia wrote they aren't math.

At the hospital, Liam's stepfather checks out his ankle. Liam thinks it's broken and that it's his fault for trying to show off against juniors. He asks his stepfather if he's mad at him. His stepfather says no but they both might be in trouble with Liam's mom.

Scott overhears their conversation as he waits outside the room. He gets a frantic call from Lydia telling him to find Sean Walcott.

Melissa goes into Sean's room to tell him that the Sheriff is coming to talk to him. Instead, she finds Sean eating a deputy. "I couldn't help it. I'm so hungry. I'm just so hungry!" He yells at her, and his eyes glow white. He has two rows of teeth, like a kanima. Melissa tries to run, but Sean tackles her and tries to drag her back into the room.

Scott arrives and fights with Sean. Sean throws him off and makes a run for it. Scott stops long enough to make sure his mom is okay. "Go get that son of a bitch," Melissa says.

Liam hobbles out of his room because he heard either Scott roaring or Melissa screaming. Sean shows up and takes Liam up to the roof. Scott tries to talk Sean out of it. "Whatever it is, whatever you are, we can help you." "No, you can't." "Let me help you." "Wendigos don't need help. We need food!"

Scott attacks, and Sean throws Liam aside, sending him over the edge of the roof. Scott grabs for Liam and has both his arms at first, but Sean pulls Scott's arms behind his back. Liam starts to slip, so Scott bites him on the arm to keep him from falling. While Scott has his teeth in Liam's arm, the Mute kills Sean with his tomahawk. Scott hauls Liam up easily and sees the Mute as he's walking away. He holds a finger to where his mouth should be in a shushing motion.

Liam groans and cries out in pain from the Bite, and Scott slowly realizes what he's done.

4x02 117 (invisible text)

In a flashback, it's a full moon and the Beacon Hills basketball team is heading out to play. Derek is lagging behind, still in the locker room. Peter goes in and finds him partially shifted and running cold water over himself to calm down. Peter shuts off the water and yanks Derek up from the floor. Derek tells him that he thought he could control the shift. Peter scoffs at the risk he's taking just for a basketball game. "It's the finals. They need me." "To do what? Rip someone's throat out on the court?" Derek stumbles around in pain. Peter says that even born wolves have to learn to control themselves on a full moon. Derek replies that he thought it was supposed to be easier for them and asks why it hurts so much. 

Peter demands to know if Derek brought "it." Derek tells him it isn't working, but Peter insists, and Derek pulls out a triskelion medallion. He starts to chant "alpha, beta, omega" trying to focus. He throws his arms wide and yells toward the sky.

In present time, a gas station attendant, Briggs, sees a car seemingly abandoned by the pumps. He hears some screaming and growling from the bathroom and goes to investigate. Kate is inside trying to control her shifting. The attendant keeps banging on the door and ordering her to open it. He eventually opens the door himself, and Kate turns, shifted. She attacks the guy and eviscerates him.

Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Kira drove all night from Mexico to bring Young Derek directly to Deaton at the Animal Clinic. Scott carries him inside, and they lay him out on an exam table. "Wow," Deaton says. "Wow. Wow as in 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for," Stiles says. Deaton has no idea what to do. Lydia takes Young Derek's hand and notes that he's really cold. Deaton starts trying to check his vitals. Scott asks if this is permanent, and Deaton replies that he's not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. 

Stiles asks what they should do, and Deaton suggests they leave Derek with him, since there won't be much to do until he wakes up. The mountain ash of the clinic can keep Kate out. Lydia asks why Kate would want to make Derek young again. Deaton can only say that whatever the reason, it must only benefit Kate and be bad for the rest of them. He suggests that they all go home and get some sleep, because it's a school night. "You all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Scott thinks someone should stay. Young Derek squeezes Lydia's hand, and she volunteers. Her grades are good, so she can miss a class or two. 

Stiles exclaims that he is so not okay with this plan. Lydia insists they leave. Scott tells her to text them if anything happens, and Stiles says, "No, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere." Scott drags Stiles out of the office.

Scott returns home to find the roof leaking. There's a pot on the floor catching the drops. He tries to sneak around but sees his dad asleep on the couch and gets distracted. He kicks a toolbox, making a racket, and wakes his father up. He asks what's up with the tools, and Rafael tells him that he's been fixing things up around the house. Rafael asks him what time it is, and Scott lies and says midnight. It is 4am.

Rafael and Scott have established a new routine. When Melissa has a night shift, they are supposed to have dinner together. Scott missed a dinner by going to rescue Derek. Scott explains that when they got back from their camping trip he went straight to the animal clinic to finish up work. 

The next morning, Lydia wakes up in the Animal Clinic to find Deaton taking Derek's pulse. He reports that it's alarmingly high. Derek isn't as cold as he was. Deaton asks Lydia to keep holding Derek's hand while he cuts into his skin. The wound healed as quickly as he made the cut, which is much faster than usual. He wants to try something else, but while they're getting the syringe, Derek wakes up. His vision is confused and senses muffled. All he can see are their vague outlines and their eyes. Lydia and Deaton keep saying his name, but Derek doesn't recognize them. Frightened, Derek claws Deaton and runs away. 

At school, Stiles explains to Scott that at 2am he'll wake up and Malia will be in his bed next to him. She sneaks in. "This was like five times a week." Scott asks what happens then, and Stiles pulls up his shirt to show Scott scratches on his back. Stiles doesn't sound thrilled. They then spend the rest of the night spooning, but Stiles is always the little spoon, which he also doesn't sound happy about. Scott asks if that just means they're together, that they're dating. Stiles skirts the question and replies that the way she looks at him sometimes it's like she knows he's not telling her something. Stiles thinks they need to tell her about Peter, but Scott doesn't know how.

In history class, Mr. Yukimura tells them that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. He describes how Abraham Lincoln failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as vice president. Mr. Yukimura asks who this president was, and Stiles raises his hand. He winks at Scott, but Mr. Yukimura calls on Malia instead. She has a highlighter in her mouth and another pen in her hand, highlighting something, or perhaps coloring. She stares at the teacher when he calls on her, not knowing the answer. Just then Scott's phone rings. Mr. Yukimura orders him to turn it off and keeps prompting Malia. Kira waves her hand anxiously, trying to be called on. 

Stiles's phone chimes next, and Mr. Yukimura again orders everyone to turn their phones off. When Malia can't answer, he asks if anyone else knows, and everyone raises their hands. 

Another phone chimes, prompting an angry reply from Mr. Yukimura, but Kira points out to him that it's his phone. He checks the message. "Scott, call Lydia." Scott and Stiles head over to the Animal Clinic, where Lydia is patching up Deaton's arm. "I don't think he's just younger in body. I think he's younger in mind too," Deaton tells them. Stiles asks where a scared teenage werewolf would go. Scott says that a wolf goes back to its den, but Derek lives in a loft. "Not when he was a teenager," Stiles points out. They realize that he'll go to the Hale House. He wouldn't remember the fire because it wouldn't have happened yet.

Young Derek breaks into the construction site where his house once stood. The burned out husk has been knocked down. Derek picks up one of the boards.

Lydia stops Scott and Stiles before they leave and asks what they intend to say to Derek when they find him. Scott thinks he'll have to tell him the truth: that his whole family is dead. "Oh, good luck with that," Lydia replies, nodding. Stiles agrees with Lydia and suggests not telling Derek about his family until they know how to get him back to normal. "I can't lie to him." "Okay, I'll do it," Stiles says. But what Scott means is that Derek is a werewolf and can tell a lie. Deaton points out that if Derek gets to the house first they won't have to tell him the truth.

Back at the ruins of the house, Derek is visibly upset. Deputies Parrish and Haigh pull up because somehow they knew he broke into the site. Parrish tells Derek that he can't be there. "Hey dumbass, you ever hear of no tresspassing?" Haigh asks, putting himself forever on fandom's shitlist. Derek replies that this is his house, but Haigh tells him that no one's been there for years. Parrish plays nice cop and asks Derek if they can help him. "What happened to my house? Where's my family? Where's my mother?" 

Haigh grabs Derek and pulls him up, and Derek responds by grabbing Haigh's arm hard. Parrish tries to stop the confrontation before it gets too bad, but Haigh takes the distraction opportunity to taser Derek. They take him back to the station. Parrish comes over and tells Derek that he thinks if they take his cuffs off he'll be okay and help them figure out what happened to his family. Derek calls Deputy Haigh an idiot. "Can't argue with that," Parrish says, smiling brightly. Haigh calls Parrish over because he's run Derek's prints 8 times and all that comes up is the record for Derek looking a whole lot more adult.

The Sheriff walks by then and looks at the screen. He looks at Young Derek, then the screen. He goes over and crouches in front of Young Derek, getting a closer look, then checks the computer screen again. Just as he's considering the options Stiles and Scott come running into the station. "I'll handle this," the Sheriff tells his deputies. 

In his office, the Sheriff tells Scott and Stiles that he wants them to be honest. "Absolutely and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?" "Hang on, what?" "Because if time traveling is real, you know what? I'm done. I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen House." Scott claims that they found Derek de-aged. "Where? Swimming in the Fountain of Youth?" Stiles replies, "No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake." Scott looks unimpressed that Stiles chose now to tell the truth. "You told me you were camping!" the Sheriff says, dismayed. Stiles replies that they were . . . in Mexico. 

Scott just wants to talk to him. The Sheriff says he isn't talking to anyone, but Scott thinks he can get him to open up. He explains that there was an accident and Derek lost his memory but they can help him get it back. While Scott is talking to Derek, Stiles sees an overdue bill from Eichen House on his father's desk. Scott assures Derek that he can trust him and then flashes his red eyes. Derek demands to know who Scott and Stiles are, and Stiles responds that they're the guys keeping him out of jail. Stiles points out that he almost tore apart two cops, so he has to start listening to them. No fangs, no claws, no wolf man. Derek tells them that he's fine so long as it's not on a full moon. Scott is surprised that Derek can't control himself on a full moon yet. 

Stiles asks if he's going to come with them, and Derek asks them where his family is. Scott decides to lie. "There was a fire and . . . They're no here anymore. They're fine." The sound of his heartbeat is played loudly to show how steady it is while he lies. "Just had to move out of Beacon Hills. And we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back." Afterward, Scott feels bad about it, but Stiles thinks he saved Derek a ton of unnecessary pain. When they figure it out in a day or two, everyone will go back to being happy, except for Derek who's never happy. Scott says that he thinks it's better when they tell the truth. 

Scott has Stiles take Derek to his house to watch him. Scott is going to talk to Peter, which Stiles does not approve of.

Lydia and Kira pull into the gas station to fill up. Kira reports from the text she just got that they're supposed to go meet Stiles at Scott's house. Lydia thinks going to Peter is a horrible plan but at least they've had worse. Kira asks Lydia about yesterday, when she and Scott were tied up to electrical cables. She wants to know if Lydia would blame her if she'd had to shock her at the Calaveras' command. Lydia assures her that Scott knows it wasn't her fault and that he's totally into her. Lydia gets out and tells Kira to grab a credit card from the visor so they can fill up. While Kira is looking at the cards, she realizes that the tank is full. 

She gets out and finds Lydia standing next to the bathroom, staring. Lydia has found another body. She warns Kira not to look, but she looks anyway. There's blood and entrails everywhere. 

It takes Scott a long time to get to the loft, because it's night when he arrives. He finds Malia waiting for him. He asks what she's doing there. "I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a V-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone." Scott claims he can handle Peter, but Malia isn't taking no for an answer. 

At Scott's house, Stiles announces that they're going to wait there and sit quietly, and they're not going to call or talk to anyone. "Do I talk to you?" Derek asks. "No." "Good." "Fine." "Who's going to talk to him?" Derek asks, pointing at Agent McCall. Stiles flails to a halt. "Are you getting taller?" McCall asks them what they're doing there. Seems that they're all waiting for Scott, because they're supposed to have dinner. He offers them food, which Stiles tries to decline and Derek is all about. "No, I'm starving," Derek says. "Neither of us are hungry," Stiles insists. 

Agent McCall offers Derek food since he's hungry and asks his name. Derek starts to answer, but Stiles says, "Miguel. My cousin Miguel. From Mexico." He pats Derek on the shoulder, and Derek plays along. Agent McCall then asks Derek if he's originally from Mexico in Spanish "Es usted un natural de México, Miguel?" "Oh my God," Stiles mutters, sure he's been caught in his lie. Derek answers in Spanish, "No soy nativo, si no que pasé montón de tiempo allí." He's not a native but he spends a large amount of time there. Agent McCall seems happy with this response and asks if Derek wants an egg roll. "Hell yeah," Derek replies with a smile. Stiles is thrown but thrilled.

Scott and Malia head into the loft. She asks him what's wrong with him and if he's nervous because his heart is pounding. "He's just bad at introductions," Peter says from the couch. Scott introduces them, and Peter sets aside the book he was reading with new interest. He asks Malia if she got her eyes from her father. She says her mother. He takes a few steps closer, looking at her, and then changes the subject. Malia admits that the killing spree came up in conversation. Peter repeats a line he said to Derek once, "We're all works in progress." "Well when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try to make sure they all stay dead?" 

Peter isn't sure what she means by that. Scott asks him about someone being turned by a scratch, prompting Peter to ask if he scratched someone, but Scott gives him a look that says the question isn't about him. "But it's possible. Like if you clawed out someone's throat?" Scott asks. Peter puts the pieces together and does not look amused.

Agent McCall asks Miguel what his last name is. Stiles supplies Juarez Cinqua Tiago. Derek looks at him like he's an idiot. McCall comments that that's a mouthful and asks how you spell it. Derek then gives Stiles an amused and expectant look. "Phonetically," Stiles replies. While they're eating, Derek sees McCall's FBI badge and asks him whether he investigates fires. Stiles gets very anxious and proclaims to wonder where Scott is. He starts calling Scott while Derek asks McCall if he knows anything about the Hale family.

Peter growls, "Can't someone in this town stay dead?" Malia answers with, "I think they were hoping you would." Scott asks if he can come up with a reason why Kate would turn Derek into a teenager. Peter asks him what color Derek's eyes were. The fact that they were blue means he's aged to after he killed Paige but before Kate betrayed him and killed his family. Scott learns that Derek and Kate knew each other before the fire, which means that Stiles kept this information from Scott. Peter tells him that they knew each other "Biblically. That's right, Scott. You weren't the first wolf to climb into a hunter's bed."

Young Derek slams Stiles against the door of Scott's room. Stiles protests that he didn't lie so much as omit certain truths. We actually haven't seen him lie at all. Derek lets him go and says he wants to talk to Scott. Stiles agrees to get him. He's going to go downstairs and get his phone. He tells Derek to stay and does a quick double-take to  make sure he doesn't leave the room before heading down. 

Scott tells Peter that Derek thought the house was still there and doesn't remember the fire. This means that Derek is at a point in his life when he still trusted Kate. 

The door to Scott's room pushes open, and Kate walks in. "Hey, handsome," she says to Derek. 

Stiles comes back, on the phone with Scott. "To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek." As he gets back to Scott's room, he sees Kate outside Scott's now open window and no Derek. 

Peter and Malia start running for the door, but Scott calls for them to wait. Peter asks, "For what? Kate's out there twisting her way into Derek's head yet again. We need to find her." Malia says all they need is a scent. Scott thinks that could take hours. Instead they need to figure out where she's going. Peter says they're not exactly a brain trust of genuises, so Scott calls Lydia. 

Lydia and Kira have apparently been standing at the gas station for hours. Lydia reports that they called the Sheriff and he's on his way. Scott asks her to describe the scene and send pictures. She and Kira are understandably squeamish. Peter declares that from the level of violence, it was a frenzy, not a murder. Kate can't control the shift. Malia asks if that means Kate wants Derek to teach her, but Peter realizes that Kate wants the Triskelion.

402image30-medium-43275Derek takes Kate to the high school. He hesitates, though, because he's not supposed to show the vault to anyone outside his family. She wheedles him and kisses him to convince him to do it. She says all they have to do is get into the vault, get the Triskelion, and everything goes back to normal. He takes her to the school sign. Kate asks him why they would build a vault under a high school, but Derek says the vault was there first. He inserts his claws into a dial on the side of the school sign and turns it. The sign swings around sideways revealing a staircase, and Kate smiles.

Once they're down in the vault, Kate focuses on a safe in the middle. 

Scott, Peter, and Malia are close behind. Malia stops and claims that she caught a scent, the same one that attacked them in Mexico. Scott thinks they could have been brought by Kate. One of them growls, and Peter looks unamused. "Oh, I've heard that sound before." Peter tells them that the creatures are Berserkers. One of the Berserkers steps toward them, and Malia gets ready to fight. Peter stops her. "Are you crazy?" She says there's just one. "That means we have a chance." "To beat him?" "To survive." Then Peter takes off running. Scott and Malia wait a few seconds before they start running too.

Inside the vault, Derek finds the Triskelion. When he turns around, he sees Kate going for the safe. "Not that." He brings her a case and opens it to reveal the Triskelion. 

Scott and Malia run from one Berserker only to find a second blocking their path. They chase them up the stairs and have them surrounded.

Kate takes the Triskelion out of the case, claiming that it doesn't look like much. "That's cause it isn't," Peter says, entering the vault behind them. "Quite the elaborate scheme you have here Kate. Two countries, Aztec temples, Derek returned to a teenager. One that trusted you. One that loved you. All this complication just to gain access to our vault. Just to get your hands on that little piece of junk." He encourages her to turn it over so he can show her where they scratched off the Made in China. She accuses him of lying, but Peter claims that the truth is so much more fun. "...that little pendant is just a physical object to focus on." Talia used it to teach Laura and Peter tried to use it to teach Derek. 

Outside, Scott roars and fights the Berserkers. Malia joins him. The Berserker throws Scott against a pillar and grips his head in its hand. The other one cuts Malia's legs and tosses her against the fence. 

Kate grabs Derek and demands to know if the Triskelion is real. Derek is too distracted by Scott's roar and runs away to help him. Stiles and Lydia show up at the school. Lydia comments that Stiles needs to learn to use something other than a bat. 

Malia scrambles away from the Berserker, and the second Berserker throws Scott over to join her. The two of them lay on the ground, not fighting. Kira runs in with her katana out and starts fighting them. She stops to look back at Scott, and he shouts her name in warning. She doesn't turn back in time and gets knocked down by the Berserker. She ends up on the ground next to Scott. 

Young Derek runs up behind the Berserkers and starts fighting them. He's got more advanced moves than Scott had and holds his own against two of them. 

Peter tells Kate that Derek gave up on using the Triskelion as a focus when Peter taught him to use his anger as an anchor instead. "So you want to learn to control it? You want to get angry, Kate? Let's get angry!" Peter drama queens. They both bare their fangs, but someone else drops a bunch of wolfsbane bombs into the vault. 

As Derek fights, he starts shifting back into his old self as he shifts into a wolf. 

Kate stumbles out of the vault.

As Derek fights, there's a screeching call from someone that summons the Berserkers away. This is presumably Kate calling them off. 

Peter watches as a man comes into the vault and opens the safe as though it wasn't locked. He removes a suitcase and walks out, while Peter struggles to get up off the floor. 

Derek is returned to his old self. Scott says his name, and he turns around to look at him. But now his eyes glow yellow. 

Lydia and Stiles run down into the vault to find Peter muttering to himself that it was never about the Triskelion. Lydia asks him what they took. "Bonds. Bearer bonds and they took them all." Stiles asks if that means they just got robbed. "This was a heist. Somebody planned this." "How much did they take?" "117..." "Thousand?" "Million." 

4x01 The dark moon

The scene opens in Mexico, in a town on a plateau. Stiles and Lydia look around, seeming lost, and Stiles comments that it doesn't seem so bad. Lydia thinks their plan is possibly the stupidest plan they've ever come up with. She thinks they're going to die. Stiles asks if she's saying that as a banshee prediction or because she's just being pessimistic. She's just being pessimistic, so he asks that she keep her death-related comments to just banshee predictions. They snipe at one another a little more, then make their way to a building with guards outside. 
Lydia asks in Spanish if this is the place where the party is. The guard shakes his head, so Stiles digs a card out of his pocket. It has a stylized skull on it, which the guard clearly recognizes. He motions toward a camera, and Stiles holds the card up for the security camera to see. The door unlocks, letting them in. The place seems creepy at first, and the walls shake. But what they walk in to turns out to be a night club. 
Severo watches from an upper level and informs Araya that they have visitors. Stiles and Lydia clearly stand out from the crowd. They head to the bar and are given shots unexpectedly, which Stiles goes to pay for. Severo appears behind him, however, and tells them the drinks are on the house. They don't take the shots, and Severo points out that most American teens don't cross the border to refuse a drink. "We didn't come to drink," Lydia says, then drops one of Severo's spent shell casings into the shot. 
They are taken upstairs. Araya is pulling out stitches with a knife. She comments that Severo hates the dance music, but she loves the music of youth. "We're here for Derek Hale," Lydia says. She tells them that she's heard they can be bought. Stiles puts $50k on the table as their offer. Araya asks where a teenager gets money like that and wonders if he got it from the Japanese mafia. The hunters around the room cock their weapons, and Araya leans in. "Not smart to come alone." Stiles looks at her. "What makes you think we came alone?"
Somehow, Malia, Kira, and Scott all got into the party before Lydia and Stiles. Araya accuses Stiles of bringing a wolf into her home. "We brought an alpha," Stiles replies. Hunters start looking through the crowd for anyone suspicious. Kira runs up to Malia, concerned because she can tell something is happening. Malia advises her to blend in, so Kira starts dancing poorly. It's so painfully bad that even Malia looks distressed, so she puts her hand on Kira's back and draws her into dancing with her. They quickly start grinding against one another, drawing approving looks from the crowd. 
Meanwhile, Araya tells Stiles and Lydia that their timing is poor. It's the dark moon, the part of the lunar phase when the moon is least visible in the sky. She asks them if they know it's meaning. Lydia replies that it's a time of reflection and grief. Araya asks them why, when they have suffered so much grief, they would risk it again for "someone like Derek Hale." "Cause we don't like to lose," Stiles says. The guards start calling in their all clears, but North doesn't answer. Severo keeps calling over the radio. Scott picks up the unconscious guard's radio and says, "Stiles, take 10 off the table." 
Stiles pockets $10k, and Lydia suggests to Araya that she take the deal. Araya declines. The hunters in the bar make their move toward Malia and Kira. Kira has somehow been hiding a pair of glowing nunchucks this whole time. Malia takes out one guard while Kira takes out the other. Scott grabs a third and throws him into a wall. The three of them head up torward Araya's office. 
Stiles asks for Derek again. "You don't want him anyway. Haven't you noticed what a downer he is? No sense of humor, poor conversationalist. Just come on, take the money." Araya grabs her radio and orders Severo to show them how the Calaveras negotiate. Severo floods the hallway of the club with wolfsbane smoke. Scott shouts and shoves Kira away, trying to get her to run. A hunter comes in and knocks Kira out. She otherwise seemed unaffected by the wolfsbane, unlike Malia, who collapses just like Scott. Araya tells Scott that someone who's only been an alpha a few months should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years. 
Scott pleads with Araya that all they want is Derek. As he's watching her, he figures out that she doesn't know where Derek is. Annoyed, Araya hits him with an electrified baton. 
In a flashback, Stiles asks Scott how long it's been since he's had contact with Derek. Scott says weeks. Derek hasn't returned his texts. Stiles asks if Derek ever returns his texts. "Once. Definitely once." Scott explains that he went to the loft and the alarm was on. Everything looked okay, but he found shell casings. He sent a picture to Deaton who identified the skull on the shell casing as a mark of the Calaveras. Stiles asks if Scott thinks they killed Derek. Scott doesn't know, but that's why he asked Lydia to come. He pushes the shell casings toward her, and she picks them up. When she drops them on the table, she gets a feeling. He's not dead, but she's not sure he's alive either. They don't know what that means. Stiles asks how they find the Calaveras. "Mexico," Scott says. 
In the present, Scott starts to wake up. He sits up and tells them that the Calaveras don't have Derek. "We know. But right now, they've got Lydia," Kira says. 
Araya sits down with Lydia and pours her some tea. She admits that she doesn't have much experience with banshees. "That makes two of us, since I don't have much experience being one," Lydia replies. Araya thinks Lydia underestimates herself. Lydia tells her that she'd have better luck with tarot cards. Araya then asks her which one of her guards is about to die.
In their holding cell, Scott starts looking for a way out. He tries pulling on the door, but not even his alpha strength can budge it. Malia says that whenever the door next opens, they kill whoever is there and run for it. "What about Lydia?" "What about her?" Scott tells Malia that they're not leaving without  Lydia. "Why not?" Stiles steps in. "Cause we don't leave without people, remember? We talked about this. Rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends." Kira asks if that's what Malia would do as a coyote, leave her for dead? Malia says yes. "If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her." Stiles scratches his chin and tells everyone that this is actually progress. 
Scott points out that if they're all still alive it's because the Calaveras want something. Also, that if they don't have him then they didn't take him from the loft. Stiles wonders if he left on his own. Scott wonders if someone else got to him. 
Araya slices an orange and asks Lydia how her powers work, whether she has to touch people or touch something they own. "Or is it just a . . . a feeling?" Lydia continues to play dumb. Araya asks just how close to death someone has to be and taps her fingernail on the knife. Lydia starts to get a feeling and looks at the hunter that Araya is going to kill just before the woman throws a knife into his chest. Lydia screams in horror. "What did you do that for?" "He stole from me." Lydia asks her what she wants. Araya wants to know what kind of alpha Scott really is. Severo then bursts into the cell and knocks Scott out with a taser.
Araya and Lydia walk into Araya's office to find Scott chained to a chair and wired up for electrocution. Scott pleads with the hunters to let the others go. Instead, they chain Lydia into a chair next to Scott and bring Kira to the elecricity control panel. Severo explains that Kira is going to turn the dial on Scott and if she doesn't, Severo will electrocute Lydia. Kira refuses, but the reality is that Scott can heal and Lydia can't. Scott asks them if this is game, but Araya says it's a test.
Scott tells Kira to do whatever the hunters say. Araya then tells Scott that he knows who took Derek. Scott thinks they're crazy, because that doesn't even make sense. Araya tells Kira to turn the dial. She refuses, but Scott convinces her to do it so they don't hurt Lydia. 
Stiles and Malia are still in the cell. Stiles asks her if she can hear them. Malia can't concentrate. Stiles kneels in front of her and reminds her of the time she practiced this with Scott. He tells her to focus on something, on his eyes or the sound of his voice, anything she has to do. She decides to kiss him. He seems surprised and then marvels as her eyes glow blue. 
Araya asks Scott who had a reason, a vendetta particular to the Hales. Scott repeats that he doesn't know. "You don't know because you haven't figured it out yet. So think!" Severo tells Kira to turn the dial up to 3. "Who had the power? The power of a shapeshifter?" Araya asks. "Someone who could have turned without you knowing. Turned, but not by a bite!" Scott struggles with the pain and says he still doesn't know. Araya orders Kira to put the power up to 10. 
Scott screams, and Malia hears him. She tells Stiles that they're killing him. 
With the power at 10, Scott's eyes glow and he suddenly remembers overhearing Kate ask Chris if you can be turned by a scratch. Scott roars and busts out of the manacles. "Say the name, Scott." Scott huffs. "Kate."
Stiles claims that's impossible. Malia asks why and who Kate is. "She's a hunter. An Argent."
In an underground tunnel, Kate appears in front of an Aztec symbol. Behind the wall, Derek is packed away like a mummy, his arms crossed and covered in cobwebs. 
Araya walks Scott and the rest of the pack out. She explains that she sent four men out to where Kate is rumored to be and none of them came back. She'd like Scott to try his luck. Scott complains that she could have just told him Kate was alive. "You wouldn't have believed me." She says she knows what kind of alpha Scott and where his next step lies. "When you take the bite of an innocent, when you make a wolf of your own, when you do that, then, I will cross your border and come knocking at your door."
Stiles asks Scott what they do now, and Scott reveals that Araya is giving them a guide. Braeden then pulls up on a motorcycle. Malia asks who she is, and Lydia replies that she's a mercenary. "Right now, I'm the only person who's going to take you to la iglesia." They head out into the desert. Malia leans forward and asks who Kate Argent is. Kira volunteers that she would like to know, too. Stiles says that they were at her funeral, so he'd like to know how she got out of a casket six feet under. Scott replies that she was never in it. "She's was Allison's aunt. And a total sociopath." Kira tries to let Scott off the hook from talking about it, but Malia won't. 
Stiles tells them that Kate set the fire that killed Derek's family, all except for Cora and Peter. Lydia explains that Peter finally caught up to Kate and killed her. 
However, she wasn't killed. The Calaveras heard that she was supposedly killed by an alpha's claws and went to check on her body, only to discover that her fingers had claws and she was slowly healing. They switched her body out with another and took her down to Mexico. According to their code, a hunter who is turned must kill themselves before they change. Severo tossed Kate a straight razor to slit her wrists. Instead, she decided to escape. She made it look like she'd bled out onto the floor and then attack when they came in to get her body. 
Kira asks if that means Kate's a werewolf. Scott replies that he isn't sure. "Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." "What kind of shape is sociopathic bitch?" Lydia asks. 
Suddenly the Jeep lurches like it hit something, and the car comes to a stop. Braeden comes back for them and warns that they have to get to la iglesia by night. Scott looks indecisive, so Stiles tells him to go. "Not without you." "Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll think of something. We always do. Just go." Scott turns to leave, but Kira stops him to say be careful. She's clearly worried and stumbles over her words, but he smiles at her. They hug for a long time, until Braeden urges Scott to hurry up. He joins Braeden on her bike, and they ride away.
Malia checks out the Jeep and finds some kind of antler or tooth in the wheel well. "I think something hit us," she says. 
Braeden and Scott arrive at la iglesia. It's a town that was leveled by an earthquake. The church is the only thing standing. The locals think it's because there's an Aztec temple underneath it that belonged to the nagual. Somehow Scott recognizes this as a name for shapeshifters, and Braeden clarifies that they're werejaguars. Scott asks if Kate and Derek are in there, and Braeden replies that she's not sure because she's never gotten this far before.
Back at the Jeep, Lydia suggests just walking instead. Stiles informs her that he will never abandon his Jeep, ever, and goes back to fixing it. Malia tells Stiles to work faster because they're not alone out there. 
At la iglesia night has fallen. Scott asks Braeden what she's going to do with Kate. She says she'll bring her back to the Calaveras because that's what they paid her for. He asks what happens after that, but she doesn't care. Kate's a mass murderer. Scott asks her if she'd kill Kate if she were paid enough. "If the money was good, I'd kill you," she replies. Scott is not particularly thrilled. As they head in Scott starts to pick up Derek's scent. He can also detect that there's something else in there with them and it isn't human. 
Back at the Jeep, Kira draws her sword. Stiles asks Lydia to hold the flashlight still because it's really hard to see when she keeps waving it around. "I'm shaking it like this because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down Jeep and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster. And I'm terrified." "Well, just be slightly less terrified." Stiles pulls a piece from the Jeep and tells her to hold it. She asks what it is. "I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important."
Kira asks Malia if she's been able to tell what's threatening them. Malia complains that she can't see and they need another flashlight. Kira then uses her sword to bounce light from the Jeep's headlights onto the surrounding landscape. Malia sees something move and roars. She takes off. Stiles goes to follow her, but Lydia orders him to let Kira handle it while he fixes the Jeep. He's not happy about it, but he keeps working. Kira loses Malia and almost attacks her when Malia comes up behind her. Malia fought with whatever it was. She says it's big and fast. She has a deep cut in her side.
Stiles gets the Jeep working, and they run back to it.
Scott and Braeden walk into the catacombs underneath the church. Braeden asks Scott why he didn't kiss his girlfriend. He stumbles over saying that she's not really his girlfriend. "I mean we've never actually..." It's unclear how Scott was going to finish that sentence. Braeden asks him if he'll regret not kissing her if they die down there. Scott just looks at her. "You shoulda kissed your girlfriend," Braeden says. 
They continue through the tunnel. Something made of bones starts moving. Scott can sense something wrong but doesn't know what it is. The bone creature moves more, and Scott hears it. He stops to look them behind them and keeps looking back as they walk. The creature exhales and growls. "You hear that?" Braeden asks. "Is this why you never get that far?" Scott asks in reply. They can hear it running. Braeden raises her gun and fires.
As he's driving, Stiles tells Malia to never do that again. "Do what?" "I . . . I thought you just took off. I thought you were running." "I was running." "No, I mean, I thought you were leaving." Malia states plainly that she wouldn't leave without him. "I would never leave without you. Them, I would leave." Lydia does not look impressed at their moment. She then notices the cut in Malia's side and comments that it doesn't look good. Malia can feel it healing, though, and isn't worried. She couldn't see what attacked her, but it had a strong scent of death to it. 
Scott warns Braeden that the creature is coming back. Braeden warns Scott to get behind her, but instead he decides to alpha roar. The creature runs off. "I think I scared it," he says. "I think you scared everything," she replies. Behind them, rocks move revealing the wall with the aztec carving of Tezcatlipoca. He is the nagual's jaguar god. Scott listens through the wall and hears Derek's heartbeat. He breaks through the wall, and Derek's hand reaches back. 
Stiles, Malia, Lydia, and Kira arrive at la iglesia just as Scott and Braeden are bringing Derek out. Stiles rushes forward, and the others ask him if that's Derek. Stiles is stunned. "Uh, sort of."